This issue of the Intermédialités journal focuses on practices of resistance in Latin America from an intermedial perspective that emphasizes the situated/sited character of their experimentations. The articles in the dossier demonstrate that, in contemporary Latin America artistic and cultural production, “resisting” means transforming media’s material supports and forms of codification, seeking new dispositifs for the production of the sensible to decolonize the flow of normalized sensibilities. Resisting should therefore not be perceived solely as an act of opposition (likely to preserve binary forms of practice and theory, the colonizer facing off with the colonized), but primarily as an act of interruption (in order to divert, suspend, cut, intersect).
Hernán Ulm, Universidad Nacional de Salta
Alex Martoni, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Roberto Rubio, Centro de Estudios Mediales; Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Gore Mediation and the Bromance of Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump
Erick Felinto, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Richard Grusin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Faire la navette : construire un objet-témoin de la mémoire collective de la ville postindustrielle belge de Verviers
Margarita A. C. Martínez, Universidad de Buenos Aires
La d3 $r3f(x) comme opération technique de résistance esthético-politique chez quelques artistes d’Amérique latine
Anahí Alejandra Ré, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba; CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Agustín Berti, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; CONICET
Archive, Affect, and History in Feminist Transregional Activism
Cecilia Macón, Universidad de Buenos Aires
The Virtual Museum and Female Joy in Argentina: An Exploration of the Revolt
Daniela Losiggio, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Natalia Taccetta, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Le non-transférable : éléments de lecture pour une compréhension médiatique de l’image inscrite
Paula Dittborn, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Ana María Risco, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Rio de Janeiro as a Park of Ruins: Digging through Images in a Site-Specific Poetry Book
Diana Klinger, Universidade Federal Fluminense; CNPq
Vinícius Ximenes, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Rupture and Resistance: Nivaldo Ornelas’ Contributions to the Music of Milton Nascimento in the Recording of the Song “Hoje É Dia de El Rey”
Bernardo Vescovi Fabris, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Experimental Poetry and the Aesthetics of Resistance in Agitated Times
Fernando Pérez Villalón. Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Usages de l’archive et politique de la mémoire : analyse des photographies de Lucila Quieto, de Gabriela Bettini et de Guadalupe Gaona, et du long métrage Ejercicios de Memoria (2016) de Paz Encina
Yamila Volnovich, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Resisting Brazilian Neofascism Through Drone Imagery in (New) Hegemonic Media: The Case of Petra Costa’s The Edge of Democracy (2019)
Paulo T. Gonçalves Pinto, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Soundscapes of the Pernambuco New Cycle of Cinema
Igor Araújo Porto, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Miriam de Souza Rossini, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Une résistance (tech)nostalgique? La (ré)animation de la mémoire orale dans le projet transmédia colombien Cuentos de viejos (2013–2017)
Sophie Dufays, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Communicational Cosmopraxis of Brazil’s Kaiowa Indigenous People: Intermedial Resistance and the Struggle for Visibility
Luciana De Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Amazonia—Music Theatre in Three Parts : A Transcultural Operatic Experience?
Vítor Castelões Gama, Universidade de Brasília
Marcelo Velloso Garcia, Universidade de Brasília
Formes de résistance chez Chico Buarque et Caetano Veloso
Adalberto Müller, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Guest Artist
Pour un art situé : le travail de Gabriela Golder
Hernán Ulm, Universidad Nacional de Salta
Alex Martoni, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Roberto Rubio, Centro de Estudios Mediales; Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Is It Live? Liveness as Lure, or the (Live)Cast Illusion: The Director’s Cut
Sandrine Siméon, Soka University of America