Editorial Policy

The journal publishes two issues per year. Each issue is edited by a guest researcher or a member of the Editorial Board and encompasses a broad range of objects, topics, and disciplines, fostering historical and geographical diversity.


The journal publishes primarily scientific articles, which propose theoretical discussions on the concept of intermediality as well as case studies selected by virtue of their heuristic qualities. In addition to the scientific contributions, which are often attached to a theme, a “Research-Creation” section presents articles and works incorporating a creative process in the scientific research. Each issue also features the work of one or more guest artists, presented under the “Guest Artist” rubric. These original works inform both the issue’s specific theme and the journal’s overall orientation. Furthermore, Intermediality proposes a section entitled “Counterpoints,conceived as an open space for debates by researchers and artists who are invited to submit a response to a recently featured text, artistic work, or theme in the journal. “Counterpoints” also features radio segments, coproduced by the journals Intermediality and Circuit and available online on the web radio Globe sonore.

Peer Review Policy

Every submission undergoes an anonymous double-blind peer-review process, during which the paper is evaluated by at least two independent researchers working in a relevant field as well as two members of Intermediality’s Editorial Board or International Committee.

The criteria of evaluation for scientific papers are as follows:

  • pertinence and originality of the text (contribution to the field, originality and pertinence of the approach or perspective);
  • methodology (conceptual framework, argumentation, structure, methodological coherence);
  • research (quality of the documentation, awareness of the critical debates in the field);
  • quality of language and style (stylistic coherence, syntax, overall structure).

In order to address the specificity of creation as a research process, Intermediality has established a separate protocol for the evaluation of research-creation submissions. Research-creation texts are first evaluated anonymously by independent experts, be they researchers or artists/creators, and next submitted for an evaluation by at least two members of the Editorial Board or members of the International Committee specializing in research-creation.

The criteria of evaluation for research-creation submissions are as follows:

  • artistic/technical merit in the execution and/or documentation;
  • methodology (clarity of the proposed problematics and consistency/relevance of the approach with regards to the key objectives pursued);
  • connections drawn between research and creation;
  • pertinence and originality of the project.

Please note that with regards to research-creation submissions, the anonymous peer-review process is guaranteed as far as the public presentation of the work allows it.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism occurs when authors fail to identify and provide the sources for someone else’s work that they have used or when they copy that work. This also includes self-plagiarism, that is, when authors use part of a text that they have previously written without mentioning or referencing its use. Therefore, the authors must commit to submit original and unpublished contributions in French or English. In case of partial reprints of previously published texts, these must be minor, supplementary, always properly cited, and their use must be justified, otherwise the article will be rejected or withdrawn from publication.

Intermediality does not tolerate plagiarism and guards against it by carrying out spot checks, either before publication, during peer review or throughout the copyediting process. Editorial assistants, reviewers, Editorial Board members as well as copyeditors and proofreaders are required to report any signs of plagiarism. In particular, the editorial assistants have the task to check and double-check the submitted texts and their related sources, using the Viper software if necessary.

In case of plagiarism, the journal will ask the author to rewrite the text and to make the appropriate corrections concerning the sources used. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the article will be removed from the issue. The journal’s Editorial Board will inform the author of this and will ask him or her to make the necessary modifications. If the author refuses or if the case of plagiarism is serious, the article will be permanently withdrawn for reasons of plagiarism and indicated as such, and the author will be prohibited from future publications in the journal.


It should be noted that the texts published by Intermediality are the sole responsibility of their authors. No submission material will be returned to the author. Submitting an article or other material to Intermediality implies the authors’ consent to their free publication and the transfer of the copyright. In accordance with international standards of online publication, the online platform Érudit offers a digital infrastructure policy that ensures the publication, referencing, and preservation of data. Therefore, self-archiving is not allowed.

Intermediality respects and acknowledges intellectual property rights. All images and audiovisual materials published in the journal are protected by copyright. The editors are thankful to the copyright holders who have granted permission for the reproduction of the above-mentioned materials. Nonetheless, it should be noted that in some cases the tracking down of copyright holders is not possible. If you, therefore, suspect a copyright violation, we invite you to contact us and submit a detailed report for evaluation. Intermediality will withdraw the work published without authorization at the explicit request of copyright holders.