sensing (borders) / ressentir les frontières

Issue 34, Fall 2019

Guest-edited by Michael Darroch, Karen Engle, Lee Rodney

This issue of Intermédialités/Intermediality aims to reconsider the limits and possibilities of border as metaphor in light of the shifting theoretical insights offered by the European border experiment (from the 1993 Schengen agreement to Brexit), the continual and/or resurgent instability of border spaces in authoritarian contexts and war zones, as well as hemispheric perspectives from across the Americas. The range of sites and practices discussed in this issue reveals the ubiquitous nature of bordering practices that have been developed through colonial histories, refined through nation-states, and perfected in surveillance cultures. The essays and artists’ projects collected extend and multiply the sites of borders and bordering practices, pulling them away from their immediate geopolitical roles by probing how and where they are felt and sensed.

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