Appel à contributions

« Reinventing (landscape) / Réinventer (le paysage) »

N° 45 (Spring 2025)

Intermediality. History and Theory of the Arts, Literature, and Technologies

Intermédialités. Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques


Guest editors :

Hélène Ibata, Université de Strasbourg

Gwendolyne Cressman, Université de Strasbourg


Deadline to submit proposals: 1st February 2024
Announcement of selected proposals: 1st March 2024
Submission of completed texts for peer review: 1st August 2024
Publication of the texts approved by the Selection Committee: Spring 2025



Reinventing (landscape)

At a time when the rapid and irremediable degradation of natural environments as a result of human action is becoming increasingly apparent, leading some to refer to a new geological age, the Anthropocene (Crutzen and Stoermer, 2000), the concept of landscape is being redefined and called into question in a number of ways, far beyond the sphere of the fine arts to which it was previously confined (as a pictorial genre or as the landscape garden). What was previously conceived primarily as an artistic object is now understood as an intellectual construct that is specific to modern Europe (Cosgrove, 1984; Descola, 2005) and connected to its expansionist and industrial project, of which it could be considered the aesthetic expression (Darcis, 2022, Charbonneau, 2002). Furthermore, at the start of the twenty-first century, the gap between such a construct and the reality of natural spaces seems to be more conspicuous than ever. The dramatic ecological changes of our time only seem to confront us with damaged, uncertain “landscapes.” The wish to give aesthetic meaning to environments that have been degraded by decades of industrial exploitation or intensive agriculture, as well as the necessity to renew social and political commitment to them, seems to call for a reconsideration of the idea of landscape, acknowledging its significance as one of the “emotional conditions of our existence” (Besse, 2018). More specifically, it appears necessary to reinvent landscape: to recreate it, in order to take into account recent ecological upheavals but also to rediscover it as environment rather than as distant pictorial object, in order to restore the link between humans and the rest of the living world. This implies the elaboration of new artistic practices where creation and environmental action intersect, as well as new configurations in which intermediality plays a significant part, either through the exploration and hybridization of non-pictorial visual media (photography, film, sound, the use of sustainable or recycled materials in Eco Art, etc.) or through the use of spaces outside the traditional institutions of art that are conducive to civic debate (as in Land Art or installations).

This issue of Intermédialités/Intermediality proposes to explore this evolution of the idea and practice of landscape, from its “invention” in early modern times to its successive “reinventions,” through changing conditions of life and various ways of inhabiting the planet. It will first of all underline the historical dimension of a paradigm that went hand in hand with —and was instrumentalized by—modern Europe’s socio-economic transformations but whose relevance is undermined by contemporary environmental challenges. It will also attempt to determine the extent to which this diachronic evolution goes together with fluctuations in this construction of nature from one medium to the other. While painting prevailed as the preferred medium for landscape from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century, a domination which implies parallels between the visual construction of space— notably through the use of linear perspective—and processes of land acquisition in the same period (Cosgrove, 1984), other media have contributed to the construction, evolution, and possible deconstruction of the paradigm. Medieval aural “landscapes,” landscape imaginaries in early modern illustration practices, the development of the landscape garden in the eighteenth century, Land Art in the 1970s, and the contemporary artistic use of contested, unstable, and transitional sites—such as urban waste lands, “Third landscapes” (Clément, 2004), and borderlands—are examples of practices which explore the idea of landscape, question the primacy of its pictorial expression, and enable paradigm shifts as interactions with the natural world evolve. Since the 1970s in particular, a growing number of experiments have reflected both a desire to define an alternative relationship with nature, other than in terms of visual or territorial appropriation, and a determination to highlight the diversity of experiences of the natural world, for instance by giving a new visibility to those dispossessed by colonial conquest or by allowing the expression of the non-human.

“Reinventing (landscape)” aims to enable an interdisciplinary dialogue between specialists of visual culture, philosophy, geography, history, and literature, as well as artists, about the evolution of the paradigm of landscape, its meaning in the age of the Anthropocene, but also the possibility of renewing our aesthetic appreciation of the natural world so that we may cohabit respectfully with the beings—human or non-human—that inhabit it. It will more specifically take into account the diversity of media that construct and represent nature, as well as the historical and cultural variety of aesthetic responses to it, in order to explore the many ways in which humanity’s connection to the Earth and to the living world may be reinvented, and possibly re-enchanted.



Intermédialités/Intermediality is a biannual journal, which publishes original articles in French and English evaluated through a blind peer review process.

Proposals (350–400 words) in English or French should include an abstract, a preliminary bibliography (five books or articles), and a brief biographical note (academic program, fields of interest, 5–10 lines). Proposals will be evaluated by the journal’s Scientific Committee based on the originality of the approach and thematic relevance. They should be sent to the guest editors ( and by February 1st 2024.

Completed texts should be sent before 1st August 2024. They should be no longer than 6,000 words (40,000 characters, including spaces) and can incorporate illustrations (audio, visual, still, or animated) whose publication rights should be secured by the authors.

Authors are requested to follow the submission guidelines available at:





Andrews, Malcolm. Landscape and Western Art, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999.

Beck-Saiello, Émilie, Châtel, Laurent et Martichou, Élisabeth (eds.). Écrire et peindre le paysage en France et en Angleterre – 1750–1850, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2021.

Besse, Jean-Marc. La nécessité du paysage, Marseille, Éditions Parenthèses, 2018.

Brunon, Hervé et Ribouillault, Denis (eds.). De la peinture au jardin, Florence, Olschki, 2016.

Charbonneau, Bernard. Le Jardin de Babylone, Paris, Édition de l’encyclopédie des nuisances, 2002.

Cheetham, Mark. Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature Since the ’60s, University Park, PA, Penn State University Press, 2018.

Clément, Gilles. Manifeste du Tiers paysage, Paris, Éditions Sujet/Objet, 2004.

Collot, Michel. « Points de vue sur la perception des paysages », dans Alain Roger (ed.), La Théorie du Paysage en France, Paris, Champ Vallon, 2009.

Cosgrove, Denis. Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1984.

Crutzen, Paul et Stoermer, Eugene. « The ‘Anthropocene’ », IGBP Newsletter, n° 41, May 2000, p. 17-18.

Darcis, Damien. Pour une écologie libertaire, Paris, Eterotopia France, 2022.

Dauphant, Léonard. Géographies. Ce qu’ils savaient de la France (1100-1600), Ceyzérieu, Champ Vallon, 2018.

Davis, Heather et Turpin, Etienne (eds.). Art in the Anthropocene. Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies, London, Open Humanities Press, 2015.

Descola, Philippe. Par-delà nature et culture, Paris, Gallimard, 2005.

Guenin, Hélène et al. Sublime: les tremblements du monde, Metz, Centre Pompidou, 2016.

Kaiser, Philipp et Kwon, Miwon. Ends of the Earth. Land Art to 1974, Munich, Prestel, 2012.

Krauss, Werner. « Post-environmental landscapes in the Anthropocene », dans Peter Howard et al. (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies, 2nd édition, London, Routledge, 2019.

Kusserow, Karl et Braddock, Alan C. (eds.). Nature’s Nation. American Art and Environment, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2018.

Latour, Bruno. Face à Gaïa. Huit conférences sur le nouveau régime climatique, Paris, La Découverte, 2015.

Lefebvre, Henri. La production de l’espace, Paris, Anthropos, 1974.

Méchoulan, Éric. « Intermédialités : le temps des illusions perdues », Intermédialités, n° 1, « naître », 2003, p. 9–27,

Mitchell, W. J. T. (ed.). Landscape and Power, 2nd ed., Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Moser, Walter. « L’interartialité : pour une archéologie de l’intermédialité », dans Marion Froger et Jürgen E. Müller (eds.), Intermédialité et socialité : histoire et géographie d’un concept, Nodus Publikationen, coll. « Film und Medien in der Diskussion », vol. 14, 2007, p. 69–92.

Müller, Jürgen. « Vers l’intermédialité. Histoires, positions et options d’un axe de pertinence », MédiaMorphoses, n° 16, 2006, p. 99-110.

Nye, David et Elkind, Sarah. The Anti-Landscape, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2014.

Oliver-Smith, Kerry. The World to Come: Art in the Age of the Anthropocene, Harn Museum of Art, 2018.

Rancière, Jacques. Le temps du paysage, Paris, La Fabrique, 2020.

Ribouillault, Denis (ed.). Intermédialités/Intermediality, n° 35, « jardiner/gardening », 2020.

Roger, Alain. Court traité du paysage, Paris, Gallimard, 1997.

Schama, Simon. Landscape and Memory, London, Harper and Collins, 1995.

Scott, Emily et Kirsten Swenson (eds.). Critical Landscapes. Art, Space, Politics, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2015.

Tsing, Anna, Swanson, Heather, Gan, Elaine et Bubandt, Nils (eds.). Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene, Minneapolis, Minnesota University Press, 2017.

Vermeulen, Pieter. Literature and the Anthropocene, London, Routledge, 2020.

Wall, Ed. « Post-landscape », dans Wall, Ed et Waterman, Tim (ed.), Landscape and Agency: Critical Essays, London, Routledge, 2017.

Williams, Raymond. The Country and the City, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1973.