Devenir-Bergson / Becoming-Bergson

Issue 3, Spring 2003

Edited by Christine Bernier and Éric Méchoulan

Bergson is one of the few authors to have bestowed to memory a distinguished philosophical position. At the same time, the dialogue he maintained with the scientists of his day offers a philosophical model of thinking about science and technology (especially in the fields of physics and biology). One can argue that there is a “Deleuzian effect” at play here: Bergson’s influence is largely due to Deleuze’s personal reading of the philosopher’s work. The popularity of Gilles Deleuze means that it may not always be known to theorists or practitioners, but many of his works on painting, cinema, literature, culture or technique are dependent on Bergsonian formulations and philosophical propositions, which Deleuze has drawn on. However, the impact of or interest in Bergson’s work cannot be reduced to this—albeit crucial—bridging of ideas. That is why this set of texts is entitled “Becoming-Bergson,” a title reminiscent of Deleuze, but which also invites us to think about Bergson in terms of becoming, all the while emphasizing one of the fundamental dimensions of his thought: the moving force at the heart of that which intermediality attempts to grasp in his world of interconnections.