For over twenty years now, intermediality has radically transformed the ways we think about texts across media. It has introduced new synergies between disciplines, new ways of sharing and borrowing methodologically, and it has even established new lines of demarcation between academic cultures. Thus, as the journal Intermédialités/Intermediality celebrates its fifteenth anniversary, this issue charts the diversity of current conceptions of intermediality. Emphasizing the concept’s far-reaching international dimension, “Mapping (Intermediality)” focuses on the diverse institutional frameworks and methodologies that intermediality encounters as it traverses numerous academic worlds, as well as on the extraordinary variety of its objects of study. How does intermediality allow us to distinguish among academic cultures? Furthermore, is it possible to unify conceptions of intermediality based on an observation of those disciplines where it is routinely practiced, but often without much theorization (as is the case in literary studies, cinema studies, theater studies, anthropology, cultural studies, (video) game studies, etc.)? Or, rather, might it be language specificity and national research traditions, primarily, that consolidate understandings of what constitutes intermediality? What are some of the overarching concepts that emerging fields of study (in particular that of media ecology) owe to intermediality? And what is the connection between intermediality and important recent shifts in the humanities, such as the rise of digital humanities or new materialisms?
Introduction. L’intermédialité est la carte autant que le territoire; Introduction. Introducción, Caroline Bem (Université de Montréal)
Une dynamique tensive, Fabien Dumais (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
“Arts Once More United”: Bridging Disciplines through Creative Media Research, Toronto, 1953–55, Michael Darroch (University of Windsor)
Readings at the Intersection: Social Ecologies in Critical Texts, Claire M. Holdsworth (Kingston University London)
Intermédialté et écologie des médias : essai de cartographie comparative, Jean-François Vallée (Collège de Maisonneuve)
Le geste intermédial dans une cartographie des études mémorielles, Sébastien Fevry (Université catholique de Louvain)
Sur les ondes transculturelles. La diversité (des expressions) culturelle(s) selon l’UNESCO, Phillip Rousseau (Université de Montréal)
The Politics of Intermediality in African Theatre Contexts, Catherine Makhumula (Stellenbosch University)
Thinking Intermediality in Mexico through Artistic Input, Susana González Aktories et María Andrea Giovine Yáñez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Intermedial Products for Digital Natives: British Theatre Cinema on Italian Screens, Maddalena Pennacchia (Università degli Studi Roma Tre)
Cartographie/Thermographie. Regards et corps instruits dans Hollow Man (Paul Verhoeven, 2000), Rémi Lauvin (Université Paris 7 – Denis Diderot)
Une cartographie des relations intermédiales entre le jeu vidéo et les autres médias dans le cadre des franchises transmédiatiques, Christophe Duret (Université de Sherbrooke)
Notes de labo
De la critique des dispositifs à l’intermédialité pour approcher les productions artistiques : bilan des travaux du séminaire Intermedialidades, Laboratoire LLA-CREATIS (Université de Toulouse 2 – Jean Jaurès)
Contrepoints – archives
La nouvelle sphère intermédiatique (colloque du CRI – 1999) à l’épreuve de la remédiation : supports, approches et discours, Caroline Bem, Rémy Besson, Suzanne Beth, Claudia Polledri (Université de Montréal)